Tortuga Kitchen Basics

There are lots of dishes that you can learn to cook. A lot of them are worth trying. If you don’t know how to cook or you have no idea how certain dishes are made, you have come to the right place.

We provide lots of secrets in cooking sumptuous meals. Next time, you will be proud to present whatever you have made to your family members.

Easy explanation

You won’t find it difficult to understand the recipes on the website. They’re easy to understand and prepare by yourself.

You can read the recipes for a few minutes and you’re ready to go.

More recipes

We regularly update the site with recipes you can prepare at home. You would love all of them.

Good alternatives

The good thing about our site is that we don’t force people to do things our way.

We also provide alternatives so that those who couldn’t find the ingredients or don’t have the right cooking equipment at home, can still do the recipes.

Given these reasons, you have to start browsing now. You will have a great time with the recipes we offer.

Our Products

Feel free to browse the website to find some recipes that you would want to recreate at home. Most of them were handed down to us by our parents while others were discoveries we’ve had as we learned cooking. Go ahead and discover the secrets in every dish that we offer.

Slow-cooker dishes

You would love slow-cooked meals. They’re really tasty. All the juices and flavors combine together because of the process.

Grilled dishes

You can try various grilled dishes and experience that rich and smoky flavor in every bite.

Baked goods

Baking might be difficult, but totally worth it. You will be proud to come up with your own version of popular baked goods out there.


Feel the heat of the soup in your stomach and appreciate the flavors in every sip.

Rice meals

You can try various rice meals using top ingredients, including unique herbs and spices.

Happy Client

We are proud to share some of the best dishes that we have come up with or learned from our parents. We believe that those who have browsed our website were satisfied with the information obtained. However, instead of telling to you about how they feel, you can read the testimonials yourself.

Image About US

We don’t hold back

We are the Strauss sisters. Growing up, our family was big on food. Everyday seems to be a holiday when you’re at home. As soon as we arrive home from school, something great is already cooking up. Our mother made sure that we only have the best dishes to fill our stomach.

We decided that we have to continue their legacy and come up with a culinary website that shares the recipes to those who are interested to learn

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